Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery.

By David Gibson and Michael McKinley

Finding Jesus by Michael McKinley.jpg

Finding Jesus, a companion to the CNN TV series, looks at six holy objects connected to Jesus, the most famous– and mysterious –man in history to see what they can tell us about his life, and his “after life”. 

David Gibson and Michael McKinley designed their book to engage believers, skeptics and those in between, by looking at each object through three lenses: what is the object and its connection to Jesus? How did it get from “then” to “now”– i.e. how did a burial cloth travel thousands of miles and two thousand years from a rock tomb in Jerusalem to a marble cathedral in Turin? And what does science say about these objects today?

Readers can begin the book in any chapter they choose, and find a complete story about a holy object– a story which will lead them to other chapters, and onward, we hope, on a journey to parse the plot of the “greatest story ever told.”

“In a mix of engaging scholarship and gripping storytelling, Gibson and McKinley offer a page-turner for a wide audience.” — Kirkus Reviews


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